The upside-down sky: real meets unreal in the films of Mario Balsamo

Tuesday 08 September 2020
18:30 Isola Edipo 

Il cielo rovesciato. Rifrazioni tra reale e immaginario nel cinema di Mario Balsamo is a book by Fabrizio Croce and Sabina Curti, published by Bulzoni Editore. On hand for the presentation, along with the authors, Emanuela Martini and Mario Balsamo.

The bookAn exploration of the imaginative universe of one of the boldest and most original documentary filmmakers today, one who has made a decisive contribution to the rethinking of the documentary genre. Starting with a dialectical take on Mario Balsamo's films, this book examines the filmmaker's influences and impact and fleshes out the artistry and personal journey of an Italian documentarian unlike any other.

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