05/09/2017 h 10:30Hotel Excelsior - Italian Pavillion
Free Entrance

Quality cinema in Italy: from the idea for a film to its theatrical release

On Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 10 a.m. at the Hotel Excelsior's Italian Pavillion on the Lido, a gathering of the leading associations committed to quality Italian films that are conceived, made, distributed and shown on the big screen with none of the constraints of a commercial mentality. On the agenda, the future of this important segment of the film sector, a fixture at the world's major film festivals but not, alas, in the movie theaters.

The conference entitled "Quality cinema in Italy: from the idea for a film to its theatrical release" has been jointly organized by the National Filmmakers' Association (ANAC) and the Italian Federation of Arthouse Cinema (FICE), with the support of WGI (Writers Guild Italia), AGICI (the General Association of Independent Film and Audiovisual Industries), CNA Cinema, SNCCI (the National Union of Italian Film Critics), AFIC (Association of Italian Film Festivals), and CNC (National Center for Short Films).

Introduced by
Francesco Ranieri Martinotti (ANAC) and Domenico Dinoia (FICE)
Speakers include Italian filmmakers and other film professionals.


05/09/2017 h 10:30Hotel Excelsior - Italian Pavillion
Free Entrance

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