31/08/2017 h 17:00Sala Perla
Tickets, All Accreditations
Preceded by Miu Miu Women's Tales #13 Carmen
Followed by Eye on Juliet
Miu Miu Women's Tales

#14 (The [End) of History Illusion]

by Celia Rowlson-Hall
World premiere

Italy, United States, 2017, 13', color, DCP
screenplay Celia Rowlson-Hall
cinematography Andrew Droz Palermo
Caroline Polachek

cast Caroline Polachek [host]
Sean Scott [Tap Dancing Twin], John Scott [Tap Dancing Twin]
Leal Zielinska [maid], Mina Nishimura [gardener]
Katlyn Addison [chef], soloist with Ballet West, Christina Jones [mermaid]

producers Andrea Roa, Elise Tyler
executive producer Max Brun
productions Hi Production, a m ss ng p eces production

press office
Chiara Calzavara

"We understand this political climate has turned your world upside down," the 1950s TV-ad voice- over tells you. "Underground shelter is your best defense against radioactive fallout." Cue perky music, tap dancing twins, and a ballerina that bakes the perfect croissant. Welcome to your new luxury home - buried 26 feet below. Complete with mini-golf course, dance floor, swimming pool, two jacuzzis, and a thoroughly modern mermaid. "This is reality." That is, until the nuclear siren rings.



31/08/2017 h 17:00Sala Perla
Tickets, All Accreditations
Preceded by Miu Miu Women's Tales #13 Carmen
Followed by Eye on Juliet

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